Did you know there’s more to Botox than fine lines and wrinkles?
As one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in the world, Botox can smooth those wrinkles and a whole lot more. Here are Ten Interesting Facts About Botox that you may not know!
- The effects of Botox are gradual. Unlike fillers, which provide instant results, you can expect to see results in 3-4 days following treatment, with optimal results in about two weeks, and generally lasting 3-4 months.
- Botox is actually a brand name. Much like Kleenex and Band-Aid, the word Botox has become the generic name for products containing botulinum toxin, the active ingredient in Botox.
- It can be used to control excessive sweating. When strategically injected into the skin, it works to block chemical signals coming from the nerves that stimulate your sweat glands.
- It doesn’t require anesthesia. A Botox treatment can take just minutes to administer and there is no downtime. You can return to normal activities immediately after.
- Botox treats the muscles, not the skin. It is most effective at treating wrinkles caused by overused muscles in expressions like a worried face or furrowed brow. The active ingredient (botulinum toxin type A) is a muscle relaxant so when Botox is injected into the facial muscles, the tension that results in wrinkles is released so your skin can settle into a smoother texture.
- It can be used to treat incontinence. When bladder muscles spasm, it results in accidental leakage. When Botox is injected into the muscle tissue, the spasms decrease, making it easier to control your bladder.
- When done correctly, Botox looks completely natural. When administered by the trained professionals at Coal Creek Plastic Surgery, the results look smoother, more youthful, and natural, with no expressionless frozen face results.
- It’s an effective migraine treatment. The FDA approved Botox as a treatment for migraines in 2013. While it’s not exactly known
why it eases symptoms, it may be that it prevents pain signals from reaching nerve endings.
- Receiving Botox treatments from any source besides a licensed practitioner is dangerous. Botox is a toxin. Leave it to the trained professionals at Coal Creek Plastic Surgery for safe, natural-looking results.
- There is a growing trend of men receiving Botox treatments. Call it “Brotox” if you want, but the number of men who receive treatments grows each year, up more than 37% since the year 2000.