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Weight loss, pregnancy, nursing and the affects of gravity over time may cause the breasts to lose their shape, firmness or skin elasticity resulting in breasts that may droop or no longer look or feel attractive. Breast lift surgery technically known as a mastopexy, is the surgical procedure to lift and reshape the breasts by removing excess skin and moving the nipple to a higher position. Breast lift surgery can also reduce the size of the areola, the darker skin surrounding the nipple.

BreasBreast Lift Surgery | Coal Creek Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery | Lafayette, COt lift surgery does not change the cup size of your breasts. Rather, the breasts are raised and the contours reshaped to eliminate drooping and excess skin from underneath the breasts. This differs from breast augmentation, which changes the volume of your breasts.

Breast lift surgery to raise and reshape the drooping breast is frequently done in conjunction with breast implants to restore breast volume, size and firmness. Breasts of any size can be lifted but the results may not last as long in women with larger or heavier breasts. Breast lift and breast augmentation procedures can be done separately or together depending on what is required to meet your individual expectations and to achieve the look you desire.

As with any breast aesthetic surgery, you should seek a board-certified surgeon and discuss your options and expectations in detail, in order to make an informed decision that is right for you. Dr. Glenn Herrmann is a board-certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon, and is known for his precise surgical technique and artistic talent. He can help you regain the beautiful breast size and shape you desire. Cosmetic consultations are free, and allow you to spend one hour with Dr. Herrmann and his staff to insure all of your questions are properly answered. Breast lift surgery (Mastopexy) is a very common procedure performed in Dr. Herrmann’s comfortable office surgery center.